Every drawing displayed on this site is available for purchase as a high quality print.

Selected works are available for purchase in original; they all come with a signed Certificate of Authenticity. Please contact me via the below form if interested!

I am also available for commissions and collaborations: feel free to contact me directly on my socials, via mail or via the form below.


About me

I was born in Saluzzo, Italy.

I have always been fond of drawing and comics, but inexplicably I decided to become a scientist instead of a painter. My studies took me first to Turin, where I studied Biology and not drawing, and then to Basel in Switzerland, where I obtained my PhD, always without ever drawing.

Only in 2018 I rediscovered my passion. After learning the basics of watercolor by watching tutorials on YouTube, I decided to devote myself to Urban Sketching.

I love portraying city corners, historical buildings and monuments, mainly using pencil, ink and watercolor.

My work cover every corner of Basel, where I lived and worked for more than 10 years, my hometown Saluzzo, and more recently Oxford, in the UK, where I now live.

Follow me on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and Nostr (npub1n6695r8lranwd0zcz785uzjnfpyqwjzvrdl9ru6c9ft0a4fzfrpq3rk7gz)

Let’s get in touch!

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